
I'm an Earth scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. My research interests include developing computationally robust models for global terrestrial biophysical processes that efficiently use high-performance computing. My research projects include:
  • E3SM: The U.S. DOE's Earth System Model in which my research focuses is on the development of biophysical processes in the E3SM Land Model (ELM) (code repository).
  • MPP-LSM library: Multi-Physics Problem (MPP) library is a standalone library that solves biophysics problems relevant to global land surface models (code repository).
  • TDycore library: A Terrestrial Dynamical Core for the ELM to solve 3D subsurface processes (code repository). TDycore is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's SciDAC program. The research objective of the project is to develop a rigorously verified, spatially adaptive, multi-physics terrestrial dynamical core for mechanistically representing subsurface hydrologic and thermal processes in ELM. I am the PI for the project.
  • PFLOTRAN: A Massively Parallel Reactive Flow and Transport Model for describing Subsurface Processes (code repository).
  • Land Climate Process Team: Harnessing High-Resolution Terrestrial Information to Refine Atmosphere-to-Land interactions in Earth System Models
  • ICoM: A multi-institutional project focused on delivering a robust predictive understanding of coastal evolution that accounts for the complex, multi-scale interactions among physical, environmental, and human systems.

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